2015-07-03 13:00Pressmeddelande

BioCool healed diabetic sore feet in Sudan


In Sudan, researchers from the medical university Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm conducted a study in which diabetic patients with infected foot ulcers were treated with footbath BioCool. 66 percent recovered fully and the rest were given a clear reduction in the growth of bacteria. This study was presented in the latest issue of the prestigious journal “International Journal of Applied Science and Technology”, published on the 1st of July 2015.

In the Middle East and North Africa there are 37 million diabetics, representing approximately 10 percent of the population and that number is estimated to increase to 68 million in 2035. It is only the US that has a higher percentage of diabetic population. In Sudan, there are three million diabetics.

The article describes the treatment of diabetic patients with deep infected foot ulcers at a diabetes clinic in the Sudanese capital Khartoum. The patients, consisting both of women and men, were between 47 and 58 years old. They were treated twice daily for five days with a footbath in 37 ° C water containing 2 percent BioCool powder.

– Both the patients and the doctors who treated them could note a clear improvement, says Professor Gunnar Sandström of Karolinska Institutet, who led the study.

Another conclusion, apart from the drastic improvement is that the normal bacterial flora is not affected because it was fully restored the day after treatment ended.

Cause of amputation

Diabetic feet cause by far the most diabetic complications. Poor circulation increases the risk of the occurrence of ulcers on diabetics' feet. Gangrene and infections are also common. Diabetes is the leading cause of amputations of lower extremities. At least 85 percent of diabetes-related amputations are preceded by a foot ulcer. The most common reason for amputation is that these sores worsen to a deep infection or critical ischemia and gangrene.

– The study shows that in Sudan using BioCool is an alternative way to treat foot injuries, and the method can be used to prevent deep tissue injuries, says Gunnar Sandström

More information:

Download the study: http://www.ijastnet.com/journals/Vol_5_No_3_June_2015/11.pdf

Maria Forsséll, CEO, Biocool AB, 070-295 16 79, maria.forssell@biocool.se

Press images are available at: www.mynesdesk.com search for BioCool AB

Inventor and chemist Janolof Ericsson in Skellefteå, Sweden founded BioCool AB in 2012. The company has products with different uses. BioCool Footcare and BioCool Medication used to prevent various foot lesions through a unique and effective method.


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Jens Lundström
Jens Lundström